Academy Policies

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Teacher Code of Conduct


  • will always prioritise the students’ safety and ensure the training environment is nurturing and supportive
  • will instruct without prejudice or bias, teaching classes using positive, appropriate and respectful language
  • will encourage all students to explore their potential and consistently refine their personal performance
  • will provide constructive feedback and critique to all students
  • will adhere/comply with class times as presented on the timetable
  • will not divulge personal information of students or other teaching members
  • will understand the gravity of their role in students’ development, ensuring positive body image is always promoted
  • will ensure they are maintaining current standards and best practices of teaching, as well as taking time to reflect on their teaching methods

Student Code of Behaviour


  • will respect the rights and privacy of their teachers and of all students
  • will not intentionally deface or damage any school property and any props used in class will be treated with care
  • are required to punctually attend all scheduled classes, respectfully apologise for tardiness and inform teachers if they will be absent from a class (in advance, when possible)
  • are required to monitor the volume of conversation and appropriateness of language, being mindful of their fellow students, especially younger students
  • are required to be supportive and encouraging of their fellow dancers
  • are required to practice and revise exam work and/or competition dances
  • are required to be respectful of others when representing the school at open classes, workshops, exams and competitions students
  • are required to tidy up after themselves, maintain orderly and hygienic facilities
  • are not allowed glass water bottles in the facilities
  • are not to eat food in the dance studios and must put all rubbish in bins provided
  • who frequently perspire must bring a clean hand towel to each class
  • who are en pointe will not permit students not en pointe to wear their pointe shoes – this is a safety hazard
  • are required to wear the specified uniform, wear correct footwear to class and limit jewellery to small stud earrings. Please direct uniform queries to the director
  • will not chew gum in class
  • Note – Stealing of any property onsite is not acceptable and will result in dismissal from the school

Enrolment Policy

  • To finalise enrolment, parents/guardians must read and agree to the Academy policies. In order to submit an online Registration Form, parents/guardians will need to indicate they have read and accept the Academy’s policies to register. Policies cover the following:
    1. Teacher Code of Conduct
    2. Student Code of Behaviour
    3. Enrolment Policy
    4. Fee Policy
    5. Student Withdrawal/Cancellation Policy
    6. Uniform & Presentation Policy
    7. RAD Exam Policy
    8. Viewing Week / Open Day Policy
    9. Competition Policy
    10. Costume Policy
    11. Student Photography/Video/Recording Policy
    12. Concert Policy
    13. Covid-19 Policy
  • Primary to Grade 5 RAD exam students must attend all their scheduled classes in order to be permitted to enter the exam
  • Vocational RAD exam students must attend all their scheduled classes in order to be permitted to enter the exam
  • Students may not undertake dance training at another dance school in any dance style offered by the school, whilst enrolled at the Academy, unless for a holiday program or workshop. Please consult with the school if you would like to understand this policy further.
  • Students seeking to undertake dance training in other styles not offered by the Academy will notify the school before enrolling at another dance studio
  • Students are invited to participate in Competition groups and/or solos at the discretion of the director of the school
  • Parents must notify the Academy of any medical conditions that are important for the faculty to be made aware of
  • Classes have a maximum number of students to ensure the best quality learning environment. If/when this number is reached, a waiting list will begin for this class. Once added to this waiting list, you will be informed when a place becomes available for your student.

Fees Policy

  • All term fees to be paid by the end of the first week of each term. Overdue accounts will incur a $25.00 late fee penalty unless a prior arrangement has been made
  • No refunds are given for lessons missed by students
  • No make-up lessons are given for classes missed by students
  • Private lessons must be paid to the teacher prior to the commencement of the lesson
  • Debt recovery costs will be added to any outstanding fees that have yet to be recovered by our debt collection agency. Currently this fee is approximately 30% of the overdue amount
  • If your child wishes to take part in the RAD exams, the examination fees are separate from term fees and different shoes will be required to purchase for students in Grade 1 and beyond. Correct hair accessories will also be required for exams. An exam information email will be sent out 6 weeks prior to exams taking place.

Student Withdrawal/Cancellation Policy

  • It is assumed that each student’s enrolment will continue from term to term. An email directed to management is necessary if discontinuing classes
  • Term fees or part thereof are non-refundable after week three of any term. If a student discontinues classes after week three and their term fees have not been paid they will still be liable for the entire term fees
  • In cases of injury or illness refunds may be considered at the discretion of the director and with a medical certificate

Uniform & Presentation Policy

  • Students must have the correct class attire by the third week of each term, unless there are reasonable grounds for the incorrect uniform. Please speak to management if there is a problem with acquiring the uniform
  • Hair must be appropriately tied back for all classes. All ballet students with long hair must have their hair in a bun
  • A second-hand uniform shop will be available for students. A noticeboard in the warm-up/waiting room is accessible for parents to sell their items. Please keep this neat, tidy and fair and remove your advertisement once items have been sold.
  • Students in vocational levels must have their pointe shoes checked by their teacher before sewing on ribbons and elastics
  • Please name all uniform items

RAD Exam Policy

  • At the discretion of the director, students are eligible to take part in RAD exams or RAD Class Awards
  • Annually the exams fall on weekdays any time between 9.00am and 6.00pm. Students may be required to be absent from academic schooling for a partial or full day. The academy makes no decisions for timings of exams, these decisions are held by the Royal Academy of Dance
  • Students must have the specified uniform for exam day, this includes leotard, tights/socks, ballet shoes, character shoes and character skirts. Hair accessories will be provided by the academy on the exam day
  • Students must arrive at their specified preparation time on exam day this is to ensure their hair can be styled and an appropriate warm-up is performed
  • The director may advise parents/guardians that their student(s) require private lessons to assist them in receiving the best possible exam outcome. Parents/guardians will be privately contacted by the director if this is recommended
  • Mock exams must be attended by students enrolled in exams to ensure students are properly prepared
  • Parents/guardians will receive an email in Term 2 regarding your child’s eligibility for the RAD Exam or RAD Class Award. Factors including class attendance, number of years of dancing, physical abilities, mental wellbeing and whether it is the child’s first RAD Exam will be taken into account when deciding on eligibility. All decisions made by the director will be final.

Viewing Week/ Open Day Policy

  • In the last week of term (except for Term 4), parents/guardians are invited to watch their child in class. Parents/guardians are required to notify via email if they are watching the class. Unfortunately, we do not have wheelchair access
  • Please check with the teacher prior to the class starting for photography/filming permissions
  • The academy kindly asks high heels are not to be worn on the studio floor to prevent any damage

Competition Policy

  • Students will be invited to perform in a troupe and/or solo competitions by the director
  • Students involved in troupe dances must attend all scheduled classes and be diligent with self-practice. Students who are regularly absent, tardy and show little enthusiasm will be dismissed from the troupe
  • If a student is injured, please notify the director and please still attend and watch practice
  • If a student is ill, please notify the director and reasonable considerations will be made
  • Solos must be practiced in private lessons within two weeks of a competition being held
  • Students and parents/guardians must be respectful to other competitors, schools and competition staff when attending competitions

Costume Policy

  • Any costumes hired from the academy must be treated with respect and care
  • Damage to costumes must be paid for
  • No eating or drinking anything other than water in costumes
  • Costumes sourced outside of the academy for solo dances must be checked with the director before purchasing to confirm suitability

Student Photography/Video/Recording Policy

  • All electronic recording devices must have their volume switched to mute or turned off during class
  • Electronic devices are not to be used in class unless instructed by the teacher
  • Students may not photograph, video or record audio in the facility without the teacher or other students permission
  • If permission has been given to record a class or dance for practice purposes, the recording has only been authorised for that purpose and must not be posted or passed on to others through social media channels
  • Images and/or videos of another student must not be posted by anyone on social media without the permission of the student(s) involved
  • Choreography, including solo and troupe dances, is owned by the teacher and must not be posted on any form of social media without permission from that teacher
  • During Viewing Week, parents/guardians will not be allowed to video/photograph their child or other students for reasons of privacy. Please get in touch with the Director of the Academy before Viewing Week if you have concerns
  • Photography, video and audio recording is not permitted at any Academy concerts or competitions for reasons of copyright
  • Strictly no photography, video or audio recording in the facilities bathroom or changing rooms. This extends to competition and concert bathroom and changing room facilities
  • Photography and videography will be used in the facility for promotional purposes for our website and social media platforms. Parents/guardians who do not wish for images or videos of their child to be published on these platforms should contact the director of the Academy
  • A teacher may occasionally video or photograph students to assist with corrections as this is a valuable learning strategy. This is purely used as a learning technique to allow students to visually see their movements. If parents/guardians do not permit this, please contact the director

Concert Policy

  • The Academy will have an annual concert held in a suitable performance venue
  • All enrolled students are welcome and encouraged to perform in the annual show. If you do not wish to take part in the end-of-year show, please inform the director in Term 3
  • Students will be required to attend all extra rehearsals in Term 4 if they wish to participate in the show
  • Students must be available for the entire show day/s
  • A performance fee will be billed during Term 3. This is calculated per dance that the student participates in.

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